Out Of This World Grace Conference

22jun7:00 pm9:00 pmOut Of This World Grace Conference

Event Details

We will be exploring the depths of the to-good-to-be-true-radical-Grace-of-God. It is truly not of this world! This event is entirely free with free lunch on Saturday. Make plans to join us and hear the incredible news of the Gospel of Grace!

Registration is absolutely free! Just email name and how many to: thegraceplug@gmail.com



(Friday) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Celeryville Elementary School

4200 Broadway Road

Comments 5

  1. Merry Gamm says:

    It will just be me. Looking forward to the conference and seeing what God will do in my life………
    Merry Gamm

  2. Barbara A. BLANKENSHIP says:

    Looking forward to this program

  3. Barbara A. BLANKENSHIP says:

    Looking forward to this program . There will be two of us .

  4. CJ Gaul says:

    Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

  5. Jerry Swert says:

    There will be two for Friday night.

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