I want to speak to all of those that do not feel significant or valuable in the Kingdom of God. Those that don’t feel good enough, versed enough or loved enough. Life has a way of making us feel like we are not accepted, rejected or looked over. So today, I want to help you get rid of those feelings and make you aware of your true value in Christ.
His Love
Jesus came and died for all of us. He came to declare that you are worth it all! For God so love the WHOLE world. He wants you to recognize your value to Him.
EPH 2:4-6 But God—so rich is He in His mercy! Because of and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which He loved us,
Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favor and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved ( delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation).
And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One.
The old man is dead! Dead to sin, dead to religion, dead to works, dead to negativity! Alive in Christ to bring positivity, where all things prosper! Here it is a free gift!
It is not your nature anymore that keeps you sinning. It is only by habit and is only by pattern but the nature of sin is abolished!
2 Cor 5:14-17 For the love of Christ controls and urges and impels us, because we are of the opinion and conviction that [if] One died for all, then all died;
And He died for all, so that all those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake. Consequently, from now on we estimate and regard no one from a [purely] human point of view [in terms of natural standards of value]. [No] even though we once did estimate Christ from a human viewpoint and as a man, yet now [we have such knowledge of Him that] we know Him no longer [in terms of the flesh].
Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come
All things are possible with God!
Jesus, when dealing with people asking how they must be saved, always responded with the impossible. Jesus was trying to get them to realize that you can’t do anything, for He was going to accomplish it for them, for with God ALL things are possible.
Acts 16: 30-31 And he brought them out [of the dungeon] and said, Men, what is it necessary for me to do that I may be saved?
And they answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ [ give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping] and you will be saved, [and this applies both to] you and your household as well
When you are awakened to your salvation in Christ your whole life is now about your relationship with the Father. Every situation is designed to bring about His image in you! Your challenge now is to believe God that every circumstance is a progression of Christ allowing you to rest and abide in Him.
It’s like having a Christmas tree with the most presents you have ever seen before, and each one is a revelation. It may take years to open up all those presents, but each one brings us closer to the image of God within us.
Believing in the fullness of His love releases you from having to try and work to be worthy before Him.
When you believe, the promises of God will manifest!
Our spiritual eyes need to be continually conditioned and renewed to the image of what God sees about us in Christ
Do not read scripture through the lens of a religious spirit that brings you into bondage as a sinner, but read scripture with the lens that you are a saint!
When we realize how worthy we are in Christ, we will begin to look at people in regards to the spirit and not to the flesh. We will be able to love people and be able to work with people without labeling them for what they have done.
Sometimes our past habits or traditions can be the wrestling with God that Jacob encountered. It could be the revelation that God is trying to reveal to us that would give us a fresh encounter, even revival in our personal lives or corporately. Sometimes denominations can keep the tradition so strong, they do not allow God to reveal anymore into the old past revelation.
Act 10: 9-15
The next day as they were still on their way and were approaching the town, Peter went up to the roof of the house to pray, about the sixth hour (noon).
But he became very hungry, and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared a trance came over him, And he saw the sky opened and something like a great sheet lowered by the four corners, descending to the earth.
It contained all kinds of quadrupeds and wild beasts and creeping things of the earth and birds of the air.
And there came a voice to him, saying, Rise up, Peter, kill and eat.
But Peter said, No, by no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common and unhallowed or [ceremonially] unclean.
And the voice came to him again a second time, What God has cleansed and pronounced clean, do not you defile and profane by regarding and calling common and unhallowed or unclean.
This occurred three times; then immediately the sheet was taken up to heaven.
Now Peter was still inwardly perplexed and doubted as to what the vision which he had seen could mean, when [just then] behold the messengers that were sent by Cornelius, who had made inquiry for Simon’s house, stopped and stood before the gate.
Our traditions can halt the fresh encounter God wants to reveal, sometimes we need to rest in Him and do not live by fear!
When we rest in Christ and believe all that He is is within you, anything that is life can happen. When I mean life, I mean prosperity, suddenly things begin to pop, healing takes place, forgiveness sinks in, confidence in Christ takes hold and the new creature begins to manifest.
Understand and wholeheartedly believe you are forgiven, even the sin that took place yesterday, if you forgive yourself and ask Him, it’s simple.
You have to believe. You Are Worthy!
Through the blood of Jesus, you have been made righteous and He has made the way for your healing. There is nothing else you can do to earn your healing and nothing else you can do to make it happen since He already paid the price for you, except to believe He did so.
Scripture tells us that if you would believe, you will receive. This word “receive” really means “take”. If you believe the word that says “He was wounded for our transgression and by His stripes we are healed” (Isa 53:4-5), you can -take- your healing.
When someone hands you a gift, you have the option to take it or not take it. When you take the gift, you have received that gift. I have been healed of pleurisy, headaches, colds, high blood pressure, and many other sicknesses, and believe I live in health and wellness supernaturally. There was a time that an infirmity tried to come on me. At the time, we thought it may be a heart attack.
I had to stand in His strength and refuse to accept the package of sickness even though the doctor was running tests and they were attempting to find out what was wrong. I had to take the word of God into my spiritual man and take the promise in battle. (1 Tim 1:18)
When my heart believed, I was then healed. People are healed in many different ways, and one question I hear often is, “Why is this person or that person not healed and they are a man or woman of God”?
Some people are healed as they go (meaning the healing comes later) and some are healed instantly. Some need to warfare for their healing among other ways. God is not predictable, but He is always faithful in His word if we believe.
With that being said, below are some scriptures that allowed me to hear and believe for the healings. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. Use these scriptures and continue to read them over and over until it reaches the depth of your heart, allowing your faith to see it is done.
Renew your mind until what looks impossible becomes very logical. Read them and pray them over yourself and your body and take the promises in continually through meditation, force feeding your spirit man.
You Have Been Made Righteous
2Co 5:21 For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness].
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