In 2006, we Planted The Church at the Mall. A few years later, the Lord led us to start traveling to minister so we shut down the church at the mall.
We received words for years saying we will again have a building. I can’t begin to say how many hours we have spent driving by buildings that are for sale or for rent, just to see what was out there and to get an idea of costs in various locations.
One day, I was feeling particularly frustrated because I felt like things just weren’t “happening” or “moving” in the Spirit like we had been hoping and praying for. And all of a sudden, I heard Holy Spirit say to me, “Come bend with my wind.” He was telling me right then, “Come move with the Spirit of God.” When I began to think about this, I realized that when the wind comes, it blows the leaves away, it uncovers, it reveals, it releases, it rearranges…
Sometimes it feels like your breakthrough is never going to come.
You may even feel a bit stuck like you’ve been parked in the same place for a long time and things just aren’t moving. Do you know what I mean? You believe God and the words he has given you, but it seems like it is so far off in the distance that it may never happen.
But then BOOM! Just like that, all of those prophetic words that are living, active seeds of life-giving substance begins to rise up from inside you. Instead of speaking from a place of defeat and discouragement, this squeezing or this pressure causes you to dare to believe God enough to take Him at His word to act upon the promise He has given you. Suddenly, you find yourself standing with your face like flint toward the wind as it begins to blow to uncover, reveal, release, and rearrange.
And then God began to blow to uncover, reveal, release, and rearrange.
There was a point we didn’t WANT a building, But the wind of God began to blow to uncover, reveal, release, and rearrange.
There was a point we wanted the building but didn’t think we could afford it and didn’t have the faith to try it. But the wind of God began to blow to uncover, reveal, release, and rearrange.
Then there was a point we wanted the building but didn’t see any way for that to come into existence, But the wind of God began to blow to uncover, reveal, release, and rearrange.
And then there was a point that we wanted the building and we believed that God would make a way for what seemed like an impossible situation to become possible. And the wind of God began to blow to uncover, reveal, release, and rearrange.
In October at the Family Room Marysville, the Lord gave Pastor Jeff Perelka from Ignite Ministries a prophetic word and you’ll never guess what it was about! A BUILDING. But this word also had a specific instruction.
We took action on that word and 9 days later, we walked head-on into the fruition of the prophetic words that we would again have a building.
We are excited to announce to you that we are going to be renting a church in Plain City, Ohio where we will be planting Living Word Worship Center. We will launch Sunday, Dec 2 at 10:30 am and we will meet every Sunday at that time. It has been amazing how God has worked it out and is nothing less than a miracle.
We are believing in faith for every provision to be made and can’t wait to see how God’s love is going to infect people relentlessly as they learn about their identity and value in Him.
Our mission is to train up Sons and Daughters of God who will also raise up sons and daughters of God.
We are here to show Himself to a broken world through us, reproduce His likeness and His love in others, and fill the earth with His glory.
What does this mean for the Family Room Gatherings?
We love the Family Room Gatherings and we know that some are only able to attend the Gatherings and won’t be able to attend the Sunday services. We want to continue to foster the relationships that have been formed and continue forming new relationships, so we plan to still hold the family room gatherings once a month on the second Saturday at 5pm.
Starting Dec 8, the Family Room Gatherings will be held at the church. It will be the same set up for the family room gatherings, just in a different place. We’d love for you to come join us if you are able!
The Healing Room
Earlier this year, we became the Directors of In His Presence Healing Room. They are a team from different churches who have been trained to pray over the sick to see people healed in the name of Jesus. They were already operating out of the church building and will continue with this outreach to the community. While all of the details and restructuring was being reworked, they have been on pause. They will relaunch in the near future. We are excited to have them as part of Living Word and know God will do great exploits through them as they pray for others and reach out to the community.
We will still be available to minister at other churches with sufficient planning. We also plan to continue with all of the existing ministries and outreaches of Living Word.
What God has done for one, He will do for you!
Maybe His word for you isn’t about a building but it’s something else entirely different. No matter what it is, continue to believe him!
We believe God is opening doors for ministries who are looking for those open doors. If we create a landing strip for the faith of God to land in our lives, all things are possible. Continue to believe Him Saints! He is able!
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Love Love Love what the Lord is unfolding in your precious lives and the lives that are going to be transformed out of your passion and obedience. Praying abundant fruit for this ministry as you stay attached to the vine Jesus. Love you both very much!
Thanks so much Dan! We very much appreciate your prayers and we cherish our friendship with you guys! We love you and appreciate you! CJ & Lanita