Have you ever experienced swift and wild changes and shifts in your life?
Sometimes these changes can feel like a dark night of the soul. We want to encourage you to remember that nothing in life comes to us without something valuable attached to the other side of it. Swift and wild changes only mean there is a peace coming to the storm.
What do we mean? Well, we often find our greatest new opportunities, relationships and adventures because something ended that we thought would last forever. What seemed so merciless often ends up helping us find exactly what we are meant to find, and who we are meant to find and to do exactly what we were meant to do.
It’s easy to forget that there are parts of your life where your faith has turned to certainty, where you don’t have to cling to faith anymore. There are things you just know. This is the place where certainty becomes our confidence or our complete trust in God because he has proven faithful. It’s no longer something you question. Instead, it’s something you know deep within and you can always count on Him in that area. You’ve learned how to rest in Him.
Don’t limit God by your current circumstances.
The place you are used to may not be the place where you belong. If you are experiencing wild changes and shifts right now in your life, begin to recount the certainties you already know about God’s ways and meditate on them. Before you know it, you’ll begin to find a renewed strength and a renewed hope to experience your faith developing into yet another certainty in Christ.
God never has plans to harm you. He always has your best interest in mind. Hold on! Your breakthrough is just around the bend and it very well may blow your mind! The Word promises that the one whose confidence is in Him and the one who trusts Him is blessed! Be expecting His goodness!
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